Cover of the textbook My Voice A2/B1

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 5 - Grammar for the textbook My Voice A2/B1 with authors Bob Hastings, Stuart McKinlay, Catrin Elen Morris, Jane Bowie, Rod Fricker from Pearson Longman


Study the Grammar box and underline the examples of must, mustn't, have to and don't have to in the text.



Fed up with football? Bored with basketball? Tired of tennis? Well, don't worry because in this week's blog post we're looking at some unusual sports and they're great fun!

Cycle ball, or radball, is basically playing football on a bike in a gym. There are two players in each team. They have to hit the ball with their heads or the front wheels of their bikes. They mustn't put their feet on the ground at any time. The goalkeepers can use their hands to defend but the other players mustn't touch the ball with their hands. It's simple and fun but you must be good at riding a bike if you want to play radball.

When you go kayaking, you usually look for water. But snow kayakers have to find some snow. It's great fun but you must be fit and strong to do this sport. That's because you have to carry your kayak to the top of a hill before you can start and kayaks are heavy!

Do you have to have any particular skills to kayak down a hill? Well, you don't have to be a good skier, although it probably helps if you are, but you must like snow. If you aren't afraid of going very, very fast, check it out. It's so cool!

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