Cover of the textbook Into Focus B1

The key answer of exercise 5

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7 - Watching and speaking for the textbook Into Focus B1 with authors Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Silvia Minardi e Daniel Brayshaw from Pearson Longman


Complete the SPEAKING FOCUS with the words below. Then listen to the dialogues again and check.


Shopping for clothes

Shop assistant

  • Can I help you?
  • Would you like to try it on?
  • The changing rooms are over there.
  • How would you like to pay?
  • Make sure you keep your receipt.


  • Excuse me, I'm looking for a top.
  • I'm a size 10.
  • Do you have this in a size 12, please?
  • I'll take it.
  • Cash, please. / By credit card.
  • If it doesn't fit , can we get a refund?

Making complaints

Shop assistant

  • What's wrong with it?
  • Do you have your receipt ?
  • We can exchange it for a new one.


  • I bought this dress last week but the zip doesn't work.
  • I think it's faulty. / It shrank. / There's a hole in it. / The colour ran.
  • I'd like a refund please.

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