Cover of the textbook iDiscover 1

The key answer of exercise 7

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook - Unit 4 - Grammar for the textbook iDiscover 1 with authors Elizabeth Foody from Pearson Education


Scrivi frasi affermative e negative con have got. Usa la forma contratta ove possibile.


  1. You haven't got earrings. You've got a necklace.
  2. Jack hasn't got a bike. Jack's got a skateboard.
  3. Matt and Luke haven't got blonde hair. Matt and Luke have got brown hair.
  4. We haven't got a big fridge in our kitchen. We've got a small fridge in our kitchen.
  5. Sarah hasn't got a games console. Sarah's got a tablet.
  6. I haven't got two brothers. I've got two sisters.