Cover of the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 11

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook Unit 5 - Winning at any cost? for the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1 with authors Monica Berlis, Jane Bowie, Heather Jones e Barbara Bettinelli from Pearson Longman


Completa le frasi con must/mustn’t o have to/don’t/doesn’t have to.


  1. You don't have to have a passport to travel to France. Your identity card is OK.
  2. I have to go to bed early tonight because I have an important exam tomorrow.
  3. Charles has to arrive at work at 9 o’clock. His boss is very strict.
  4. You mustn't leave your bag here. Someone can steal it.
  5. When do you have to finish your project?
  6. We must tidy up our room because it’s a real mess.
  7. We don't have to pay now. We can pay when we get there.
  8. You mustn't be late for your meeting.