Cover of the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook Unit 1 - Who do you think you are? for the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1 with authors Monica Berlis, Jane Bowie, Heather Jones e Barbara Bettinelli from Pearson Longman


Completa le frasi che descrivono che cosa fa o non fa Corey. Fai riferimento al testo dell'Esercizio 2.


  1. Corey doesn't come from New York. He comes from San Diego.
  2. Corey's parents don't work in San Diego. They work in New York.
  3. He doesn't study French. He studies Chinese.
  4. He starts lessons at nine and finishes at around four.
  5. After school he doesn't meet his parents. He meets his friends.
  6. Corey and his friends don't play tennis, they play basketball.
  7. He doesn't have dinner with his friends, he has dinner with his parents.
  8. After dinner he doesn't watch a film, he checks his messages or chats with his friends.