Cover of the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 27

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 7 - Time for adventure for the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1 with authors Monica Berlis, Jane Bowie, Heather Jones e Barbara Bettinelli from Pearson Longman


Which methods of travel are best for the environment? Think of ways you can protect the environment when you travel. Think about alternatives to:

  • driving a car
  • travelling on holiday


Alternatives to driving a car

  • Public Transportation: Utilizing buses, trains, trams, or subways can significantly reduce individual carbon footprints by consolidating passenger numbers and optimizing fuel efficiency.
  • Carpooling: Sharing rides with others going in the same direction minimizes the number of vehicles on the road, thus reducing emissions.
  • Cycling: Opting for cycling or walking for short distances not only reduces emissions but also promotes personal health and well-being.
  • Electric Vehicles (EVs): If driving is unavoidable, choosing electric vehicles or hybrid cars can lessen reliance on fossil fuels and decrease emissions.

Ways to protect the environment when traveling on holiday

  • Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodation: Look for hotels, lodges, or resorts that prioritize sustainability practices such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and water conservation.
  • Reduce Plastic Use: Carry a reusable water bottle, shopping bag, and utensils to minimize single-use plastic consumption.
  • Support Local Economy: Patronize local businesses, eateries, and artisans to contribute positively to the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint associated with imported goods.
  • Opt for Eco-Friendly Activities: Engage in nature-based activities such as hiking, birdwatching, or snorkeling that have minimal environmental impact.
  • Respect Wildlife and Nature: Follow designated trails, avoid disturbing wildlife, and refrain from littering to preserve natural habitats and biodiversity.
  • Offset Carbon Emissions: Consider carbon offset programs to compensate for unavoidable emissions from transportation or accommodation.