Cover of the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 19

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 10 - Get the look for the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1 with authors Monica Berlis, Jane Bowie, Heather Jones e Barbara Bettinelli from Pearson Longman


Do you think smart clothes and accessories are just passing fashion or are they really useful? Discuss.


Sample Answer

Smart clothes and accessories represent a significant intersection between fashion and technology, and their utility goes beyond just being a passing trend. Here's why:

  • Functionality: Smart clothing and accessories often serve practical purposes beyond traditional apparel. For instance, they can monitor health metrics, enhance athletic performance, or provide convenience through features like self-lacing shoes or temperature-regulating fabrics. These functionalities offer tangible benefits to users, making them more than just a fashion statement.
  • Health and Wellness: Many smart clothing items are designed with health and wellness in mind. They can track vital signs, encourage physical activity, or even detect potential health issues early on. For individuals with specific health concerns or fitness goals, these garments can be invaluable tools for monitoring and improving overall well-being.
  • Convenience and Connectivity: Smart accessories, such as smartwatches or connected garments, offer seamless connectivity to digital devices, enabling users to stay connected on the go. Whether it's receiving notifications, controlling music, or accessing navigation, these features enhance convenience and productivity in daily life.
  • Innovation and Customization: The integration of technology into clothing opens up new possibilities for innovation and customization. Designers can experiment with novel materials, functionalities, and designs, catering to diverse preferences and needs. This constant innovation ensures that smart clothing remains relevant and adaptable to evolving consumer demands.
  • Sustainability: Smart textiles and wearable technology also have the potential to contribute to sustainability efforts in the fashion industry. By incorporating eco-friendly materials, optimizing energy usage, or promoting longevity through multifunctionality, smart garments can align with sustainable fashion practices, addressing environmental concerns.

Overall, smart clothes and accessories offer practical benefits that extend beyond mere fashion trends. As technology continues to advance and integrate seamlessly into our lives, these innovative garments are likely to become increasingly indispensable tools for enhancing health, convenience, and personal expression. Therefore, it's reasonable to consider them as more than just passing fashion but rather as a meaningful and enduring evolution in the realm of apparel and accessories.