Cover of the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills

The key answer of exercise 31

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook UNIT 4 - The future of learning for the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills with authors Barbara Bettinelli e Jane Bowie from Pearson Longman


Complete the maps with your own example sentences.


  1. What time does the concert start tomorrow?
  2. When are they arriving at the airport?
  3. Our team is hosting a charity event next weekend.
  4. What are your plans for the summer holidays?
  5. You're going to regret not studying for the exam.
  6. Will you be attending the conference next month?
  7. I'll bring dessert for the dinner party tonight.
  8. I'll be waiting for you at the station at 6 p.m.
  9. They won't be finishing the construction work until next month.
  10. She will have completed her thesis by the end of the year.
  11. We won't have left for the airport by the time you arrive.
  12. We'll go for a walk after the rain stops.
  13. As soon as he finishes his work, he'll join us for lunch.
  14. Will you have arrived before the meeting starts?