Cover of the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills

The key answer of exercise 7

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 8 - All in a day’s work for the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills with authors Barbara Bettinelli e Jane Bowie from Pearson Longman


Look at the sentences and write what really happened. 


  1. If you hadn’t been late, you would have caught the bus. But you were late so you missed the bus.
  2. If it hadn’t rained, I’d have gone out for a walk. But it rained so I stayed inside.
  3. If I hadn’t found a job, I wouldn’t have saved any money. But I found a job so I saved some money.
  4. She would have heard the answer if she’d listened. She didn’t hear the answer because she wasn’t listening.