Cover of the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills

The key answer of exercise 42

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 5 - Food for thought for the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills with authors Barbara Bettinelli e Jane Bowie from Pearson Longman


Complete the map with the sentences below. Add some phrases of your own.


Stating the purpose of the report

  • The main aim / objective of this report is to [state the purpose].

Describing how you got the information

  • This report is based on discussions I had with [mention the sources or individuals].
  • To prepare for this report, I conducted interviews with [mention the sources or individuals].

Reporting your results

  • According to [source], [report the results].
  • Most people seem to feel that [report the common sentiment].
  • Several people said/thought that [report the diverse opinions].

Making recommendations

  • It would be (highly) advisable to [recommendation based on findings].
  • The best solution / ideas would seem to be [suggest the optimal course of action].