Cover of the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills

The key answer of exercise 37

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 11 - Mind over matter for the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills with authors Barbara Bettinelli e Jane Bowie from Pearson Longman


Match the sentences (1-8) to the types of mistake they contain (a-h). Then correct them.


  1. d - Yesterday, I forgot to take my maths book with me to school.
  2. g - I really like this sort of topic.
  3. h - I think that’s a very sensitive, intelligent decision.
  4. h - Sometimes you can’t have everything; you need to make a choice.
  5. a - I didn’t mean to say that.
  6. c - I’m very interested in hearing about your experience.
  7. f - It was a boring film. We left before the end.
  8. b - I have an appointment on Wednesday.