Cover of the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills

The key answer of exercise 18

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 1 - Family matters for the textbook Engage B2 with Exam Skills with authors Barbara Bettinelli e Jane Bowie from Pearson Longman


Read text A and answer the questions. 


  1. They dreamt of a different future while on a sailing trip to Catalina Island and thought it would be great to live on a boat.
  2. Mandi was working 80-hour weeks as a travelling software sales rep and needed a break from her demanding job.
  3. Mandi teaches the children through textbook-based lessons and sends their tests to an educational service for grading.
  4. The children study the wildlife or historical sites of the places they visit and act as tour guides by describing the sights when they get there.
  5. Mandi believes that experiencing the world first-hand leads to a deeper understanding of it.