Cover of the textbook Gateway B2 - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 8 - Grammar 2 for the textbook Gateway B2 - Workbook with authors Frances Treloar and Gill Holley from Macmillan Education


Write the active sentences again in the passive.


  1. It was thought that the Earth was flat. Not it is known that the Earth is round.
  2. It was thought that everything was made of re, earth, air and water. Now it is known that there are over a hundred elements.
  3. It was thought that the Moon was a smooth ball. Now it is known that it has valleys and mountains.
  4. It was said that feelings came from your liver. Now it is said that they come from your heart.
  5. It was thought that having a bath once a month was enough. Now it is believed that we need to have a bath or shower every day.
  6. It was believed that kings were gods. Now it is known that they are only human.
  7. It was thought that our bodies constantly made new blood. Now it is known that the body circulates blood.