Cover of the textbook Gateway B2 - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 10 - Reading for the textbook Gateway B2 - Workbook with authors Frances Treloar and Gill Holley from Macmillan Education


Underline in the articles examples of a lottery win bringing out the best and worst in people.


Bringing out the best in people:

  • His father wants him to invest the money and use it as a deposit to buy a house.
  • He also wants to help his younger brother to buy a car.
  • Ryan has no plans to quit his job or stop his work with charity First Response ...
  • ‘... I’m planning on donating some of the winnings to them.’
  • She bought houses and cars for ... her friends and family.
  • ‘... now I’m stronger.’

Bringing out the worst in people:

  • But far from making her happy, Callie fell into depression.
  • She didn’t have a job and she felt lonely and vulnerable.
  • People would act like her best friend but she didn’t know who to trust.