The key to exercise solutions in chapter 5.7 - Writing for the textbook Focus 4 - Student's Book with authors Kay Sue, Jones Vaughan, Brayshaw Daniel and Beata Trapnell from Pearson Education
Read Ben's plan. Then mark the paragraphs in his article.
At school we all have to study the subjects we do not like alongside the ones we nd interesting. However, would you consider spending four years studying a single subject that does not interest you in order to have a bigger chance of getting a good job?
Main paragraph 1:
Although some university courses sound very interesting, young people often avoid them because in many cases they don’t lead to an obvious career. Examples include film studies, popular music and philosophy. To get a job in one of these areas, graduates have to be very lucky or be the very best. It is fair to say that there are not many millionaire philosophers in this world!
Main paragraph 2:
Understandably, many students decide that a more practical degree, in accountancy or engineering, for example, is a safer option, even if the particular subject doesn’t really interest them. However, we are humans, not robots, and opting for a subject we nd boring creates significant problems when it comes to motivation. The outcome of such a choice could be low grades and a very unhappy time at university.
Deciding which way to go is di cult, but personally, I think I will take my chances and choose a subject I am interested in. Four years is a long time to dedicate yourself to anything, especially if you do not enjoy it. It is a good idea to think very carefully before you make your choice. It could affect the rest of your life.
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