The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7.8 - Writing for the textbook Focus 4 (2nd edition) - Workbook with authors Daniel Brayshaw from Pearson Education
Read the task and the story. Then add inverted commas, commas, full stops, question marks or exclamation marks where necessary in the second and third paragraphs.
He picked up a brochure about a cave. ‘You should visit it,’ suggested the owner, who knew the island well. ‘What is there to see?’ asked Robbie. ‘There are strange wall paintings and some writing in a language no one understands,’ he replied. ‘Wow!’ said Robbie. Suddenly, he was interested. He was studying ancient languages at university and was excited by the idea of the mysterious writing. He decided to go the next day.
Early in the morning, Robbie set off. After hiking up a mountain, he eventually found the entrance to the cave. As he approached, he saw a young woman there. ‘Hi. Have you been inside yet?’ he asked her. ‘Why are you here?’ she snapped. Robbie was shocked. ‘Err ... umm ... I just want to see the cave,’ he said. ‘Go away!’ she yelled at him. ‘This is my home and I have come back after many centuries,’ she continued.
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