Cover of the textbook English Grammar in Use

The key answer of exercise 52.2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Unit 52 - Question tags for the textbook English Grammar in Use with authors Raymond Murphy from Cambridge University Press


In these situations you expect your friend to agree with you. Use a question tag in your sentences.


  1. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
  2. It's (very) expensive, isn't it?
  3. The course was great, wasn't it?
  4. You've had your hair cut, haven't you? / You had your hair cut, didn't you?
  5. She has a good voice, doesn't she? / She has a good voice, hasn't she? / She's got a good voice, hasn't she?
  6. It doesn't look right, does it?
  7. This bridge isn't very safe, is it? / This bridge doesn't look very safe, does it?

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