The key to exercise solutions for the textbook English File Intermediate - Workbook with authors Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden and Jerry Lambert from Oxford University Press
1A - Eating in... and out
1B - Modern families
Practical English - Episode 1 - Meeting the parents
Can you remember ...? 1
2A - Spending money
2B - Changing lives
3A - Survive the drive
3B - Men, women, and children
Practical English - Episode 2 - A difficult celebrity
Can you remember ...? 1-3
4A - Bad manners?
4B - Yes, I can!
5A - Sporting superstitions
5B - #thewaywemet
Practical English - Episode 3 - Old friends
Can you remember ...? 1-5
6A - Behind the scenes
6B - Every picture tells a story
7A - Live and learn
7B - The hotel of Mum and Dad
Practical English - Episode 4 - Boy's night out
Can you remember ...? 1-7
8A - The right job for you
8B - Have a nice day!
9A - Lucky encounters
9B - Digital detox
Practical English - Episode 5 - Unexpected events
Can you remember ...? 1-9
10A - Idols and icons
10B - And the murderer is...