Cover of the textbook English File Intermediate Plus - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 9A - Total recall for the textbook English File Intermediate Plus - Workbook with authors Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden and Kate Chomacki from Oxford University Press


  1. Correct any mistakes in the highlighted phrases. Tick (✓) the correct sentences.
  2. Complete the sentences using reported speech.
  3. Complete the sentences using reported speech.



  1. he might forget
  2. she has never been
  3. you had to stay in to study
  4. he was doing his homework
  5. she had written
  6. you wouldn't be late


  1. we could stay there until the end of the month
  2. he'd been busy the week before
  3. they's booked a flight for the next month / the following month
  4. if he had to go then
  5. he was working late that night / evening
  6. I didn't like that restaurant
  7. I hadn't called her the day before / the previous day
  8. if he was coming to dinner the next day / the following day


  1. to go to bed
  2. to give her my phone number
  3. where I had learned to speak English
  4. if we understood the instructions
  5. not to call her at work
  6. what time I would be home
  7. to make less noise
  8. not to forget his doctor's appointment

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