Cover of the textbook English File Elementary - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 5C - A city for all seasons for the textbook English File Elementary - Workbook with authors Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden and Jerry Lambert from Oxford University Press


Underline the stressed syllable in the bold words.


  1. Bu|cking|ham Pa|lace
  2. West|min|ster Ab|bey
  3. Co|vent Gar|den
  4. St Paul's Ca|the|dral
  5. Pi|cca|dil|ly Cir|cus
  6. Lei|ces|ter Square
  7. the Hou|ses of Par|lia|ment
  8. Tra|fal|gar Square
  9. Wem|bley Sta|di|um
  10. the Tow|er of Lon|don

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