Cover of the textbook English File Advanced - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 5B - Not for profit? for the textbook English File Advanced - Student's Book with authors Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, Jerry Lambert and Kate Chomacki from Oxford University Press


  1. Look at eight pictures which represent idioms related to money. With a partner, explain what you think they mean. Do you have a similar expression in your language?
  2. -
  3. Circle the correct word according to meaning, collocation, or register.



  1. Money isn't easy to get (so don't spread it carelessly).
  2. He doesn't like spending or giving away money.
  3. It must have cost a lot of money. / It must have cost a fortune.
  4. I'm not earning enough money to be able to pay for the things I need.
  5. We owe money to the bank because we've spent more than we have in our account. / We're overdrawn,
  6. It's far too expensive for what it is.
  7. We're going to have to spend less because we have less available.
  8. She's spending more than she can afford.


  1. broke
  2. loan
  3. in the red
  4. lump sum
  5. loaded
  6. exchange rate
  7. standard
  8. pounds

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