Cover of the textbook Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 8

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 10 - Media for the textbook Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate - Workbook with authors Jane Comyns Carr, Frances Eales and Damian Williams from Pearson Education


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the correct form of the summarising verbs in the box.


  1. He suggested hiring a van and travelling around Europe.
  2. She refused to pay.
  3. She denied breaking the photocopier.
  4. She complained that the food was undercooked.
  5. She warned Pat that the roads were very slippery. / She warned Pat to be careful because the roads were very slippery.
  6. She threatened to call the police (if they didn't turn the noise down).
  7. He offered to have a look at my / our / their TV.
  8. She blamed Geoff for the misunderstanding.

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