things that make people feel good
- financial security
- good friendships
- a strong relationship / marriage
- having variety and excitement in life
- my hobbies and interests
- being fit, doing something creative
things that make people feel bad
- lack of sleep / exhaustion
- lack of confidence
- being unemployed
- lack of money
could be both
- criticism from others
- being an employer
- not an employee
- being a non-conformist
- exam stress
- paying taxes
- financial security - financial insecurity
- a strong relationship/marriage - being single / having casual relationships
- having variety and excitement in life - having a dull and boring life
- lack of sleep / exhaustion - a good night's sleep
- being fit - being unfit
- being an employer, not an employee - working for a boss
- being a non-conformist - being a conformist
- lack of confidence - confidence
- exam stress - relaxed attitude to exams
- being unemployed - having a job
- doing something creative - doing something repetitive / mechanical